total mind fuck of a past few weeks. been way too long since i've written here. have been twice twice weekly sessions in a reclined posture that i think have actually proved positive despite my initial hesitation for such. but i still stand strong on some of my beliefs on that front.
anyhow. things in the past few weeks.
*i've been burning (through) books
*i apparently have gotten more social and more confident in myself. on many fronts.
*i do not require distraction from anyone.
* i am doing my thing.
*less plans are better than more plans.
*i am not accustomed to guys being well...nice.
*i'm independent. i'm happy. i have interests again. i'm not sure i want to share that.
*i am a sexual being. i need that.
* i have slept with more people than the average kinsey institute 4-6 in a lifetime. and i think sometimes if i'd adhered to that my life would be so different. but i'm glad it's not.
*that being said, casual sex is the anti-hot. can't do it anymore. ever.
*i just want. to fucking. TRAVEL.

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Reunited. CFT - 08.11.15
i wear my heart under sleeves. - 03.24.15
what happens in jupiter, stays in jupiter. - 02.23.15
i'm leaving this thought so that i can leave this feeling behind. - 02.08.15
it's me time - 02.03.15

read my dreambook